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About Blog

Here we share experiences, discoveries, research and tidbits of our journey in staging a sensitive play "Surya ki antim kiran se surya ki pehli kiran tak" by Surendra Verma. This is Naatak's 30th production

Naatak is a San Francisco Bay Area-based theater group dedicated to producing creative and thought-provoking plays. Since its founding in 1995 by students at UC Berkeley and Stanford, Naatak has staged 29 productions in English, Hindi and Tamil. For more information, visit

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feeling judgmental...?

What I didnt tell you are the hazards of being in production. We adhere to certain guidelines and safety regulations. Still, you can hear shouts of "splinter", "blood", "cut" or "nail" or "screw" occasionally.

Are we having fun? Yes. But, dont judge us too soon.

You might ask the question - During this period, did we even think of the actors even once? Let me assure you that we think of the actors not once, but always! Yes, you read that right "always". When we design and construct set pieces - actors' safety is of foremost importance to us. Their physical safety and physical capabilities are factored into our equations. Their mental safety and acting capabilities? - I'll let the Captain Director address that question or judge for yourself by watching our show.


  1. interesting perspective... now how often do actors think about the space and the production elements that are only physically available a few days before showtime? .. hmmmm

  2. Slightly tongue in cheek with the "shouts", but this is an important point that you bring up Siva. Actor safety & the very feasibility of building of those set pieces keeping in mind various constraints like budget, space, ease of storage, transportation.

    It is actually quite amazing the amount of thought that goes into creating the set pieces.
